1. Show Opening (WHK 3/25/59)
2. Record Rendezvous (WKH 3/25/59)
3. Gillette Razor (WHK 3/25/59)
4. Big Bad Train (WHK 3/25/59)
5. WHK Jingle (WHK 3/25/59)
6. Immaculate Conception Record Hop (WHK 3/25/59)
7. RCA Dehumid-d-d-d-difier (WHK 3/25/59)
8. Dedications (WHK 6/26/59)
9. Gillette Razor (WHK 6/26/59)
10. News Break (WHK 6/26/59)
11. Wavy Gravy Flow (WJW 4/1/58)
12. Greasy Dedications (WJW 4/1/58)
13. Creature of Oobladi (WJW 4/1/58)
14. Throttle Jockeys (WJW 4/1/58)
15. WHK Jingle (WHK 6/26/59)
16. Jet Speed Saucer Blast (WHK 6/26/59)
17. Old Mother Geezer WHK 6/26/59)
18. Lorain Speedway (WHK 6/25/59)
19. Goin' Steady Ring (WHK 25/59)
20. Martian Shave (WHK 6/25/59)
21. Record Rendezvous (WHK 6/25/59)
22. Tanfastic/Dick Lurie Guitar School (WHK 6/26/59)
23. Hangin' From The Ceiling (WHK 6/25/59)
24. Moldy Basement (WHK 6/25/59)
25. Peach Fuzz (WHK 6/25/59)
26. Round Sounds (WHK 6/25/59)
27. Mr. T/Pretty Plaid Skirt/Stubby McGonster (WHK 6/25/59)
28. Teenage Special (WHK 6/25/59)
29. Mad Daddy Batty Bucks (WHK 6/25/59)
30. Zoomeratin' Alphabet (WHK 6/25/59)
31. The Winky Eye Goes Out (WHK 6/25/59)
32. Outboard Plum (WINS Summer '64)
33. Mad Daddy Photo (WINS 10/19/63)
34. WINS Jungle/Super Snooper Scope (WINS 10/26/63)
35. Dedications (WINS 10/26/63)
36. A Little Mello Jello And Some Winky Blinky Juice (WINS 10/26/63)
37. Sponge Rubber Heaven (WINS 10/19/64)
38. Man-Eating Plant (WINS Summer '64)
39. Baseball Scores (WINS Summer '64)
40. Crazy Wavy Groovy Gravy Dedications/Wolf Call WINS 10/19/64)
41. Record Acid Test (WINS 10/26/64)
42. Jungle Drums (WINS 10/19/64)
43. Four Button Idiots (WINS 10/19/64)
44. Mad Daddy Photo (WINS 10/19/64)
45. Approve Of The Groove WINS (10/19/64)
46.Weather (WINS 10/19/64)
47. Frantic Chums (WINS 10/19/64)
48. Alfred E. Neuman Production (WINS 10/26/63)
49. I Love A Practical Joke
50. What Is A Pfisteris?

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