After the re-post of VAN STEPHENSON 's first LP, a reader asked for the other albums recorded by the talented singer / songwriter. Then ...Read more »

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After the re-post of VAN STEPHENSON 's first LP, a reader asked for the other albums recorded by the talented singer / songwriter. Then ...Read more »
This THE TURN - there's many bands with this name - hailing from the US MidEast, was founded in the late '80s by guitarist Dave Tur...Read more »
Re-posted as requested The rare and hard to find first album by VAN STEPHENSON ... Released through the small label Handshake Records in 198...Read more »
Requested in "REQUEST & FILL CORNER" section... American singer JAY FERGUSON achieved respectable success both in US & Eu...Read more »
Requested in "REQUEST & FILL CORNER" section... Dutch singer RALPH VAN MANEN started his career in the early '90s, releas...Read more »
Requested in "REQUEST & FILL CORNER" section... Originated in Oregon, USA, VU was a Christian Melodic Rock group founded by si...Read more »
The genesis of Canadian AORsters BOULEVARD was already portrayed here in the previous post about their self-titled debut. With their name o...Read more »