Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Well, guys and gals, this is a real AOR gem. Requested many times on this blog...Read more »

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Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Well, guys and gals, this is a real AOR gem. Requested many times on this blog...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Steven Dearman Clark aka Steve Mandera is an english musician / songwriter est...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... FAIR WARNING is easily one of my favorite bands of the nineties and they land ...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Michael O'Brien had his moment at the end of the '80s when he signs a ...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Flesh was a Boston-bred band that never make it big, confined to a cult status...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Johnny Logan born in Australia, but was raised in Ireland, his father's na...Read more »
Previous volumes become very popular and readers are requesting Japan only bonuses all the time in 'Request & Fill Corner' secti...Read more »
SUNSHINE JIVE is another band resurrected by an european label at the end of the nineties. Born in Chicago, formerly known as IN THE PINK, t...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Vocalist & guitarist Kevin Vogen has been playing in the Canadian Winnipeg...Read more »
RESTLESS isn't the 'real' name of this band. This moniker was chosen by leader Roger Sommers and the german label who resurrecte...Read more »
A curious album this one. Not only for its rarity (as far I know only released in Japan) but for the mixture of styles, yet turning out a co...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Renowned singer-songwriter Daniel Hill born in Ontario, Canada, of US parents....Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... DIRTYWORKS is a little known Canadian band that made some great music before g...Read more »
Hailing from the atypical land for melodic rock, Omaha, Nebraska, THE JACKS were a prefect example of what the indie scene was all about bac...Read more »
The Man and his Guitar... A humble tribute from this site. Encompass this great artist full career is almost impossible. I have selected no ...Read more »
Vocalist Alan Marsh was fired from the british band Tokio Blade by his record label due to artistic discrepancies. Together with ex-Chinatow...Read more »
From now, all request & fills goes in this post Comments. If you need an album or a single track, request it here, if you have it, be ki...Read more »
Coming from Utah, a US state that scarcely makes a blip on the melodic rock radar, SOJOURN was formed in the earlier '80s by guitarist D...Read more »