Closing the circle. Great songs from 1984 to 1985, when the genre exploded and you could turn on the radio to listen good music. As usual in...Read more »

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Closing the circle. Great songs from 1984 to 1985, when the genre exploded and you could turn on the radio to listen good music. As usual in...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... This christian (California based) band one and only album is a very rare and u...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... Formed in the USA in 1980, D V C's main attention was focused on the fact ...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... John Verity's info can be found on a previous post (his 2nd solo album) H...Read more »
Requested in "Request & Fill Corner" section... ANDY FRASER was the bassist of the original line-up of British Classic Rock he...Read more »
Already it has been three years since I did my first compilations for this site. The aim was to introduce some uncommon AOR / Melodic Rock b...Read more »